A Deep Dive Into The Shipping Rewards System In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur (2024)

  • As we all know, Path of Exile 3.25 has welcomed its new league, Settlers of Kalguur, and has added many map changes. In this game, the changes in new maps mean that you need to make some adjustments to your previous farming strategy, so it is very important to know some of the best maps for farming.

    This guide will lead you to the best maps for farming in Settlers of Kalguur league, so that you can greatly increase your POE Currency, Div Cards and other important equipment in the game!

    Map Changes

    Before introducing the new maps, let’s first familiarize ourselves with the changes in the maps in this Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.

    New Item Levels and Improved Defenses

    In this league, aura effects have been weakened, so you must increase your defense capabilities when you need to use aura effects. This will be achieved by introducing new item tiers, which will provide higher base stats, such as maximum health.

    New Chisel Tools

    In order to increase the efficiency of map utilization, a new set of chisel tools has been added for you. Among them, Maven’s chisel can increase the drop rate of maps according to the map type, such as POE Currency, Scarabs and other valuable drops.

    Nameless Seer Map Scrying

    In this new map mechanic, you can use Divination Scarab of Curation to merge the loot table of one map into another map. In simple terms, you will get more rare loot. For example, you can add loot from Crimson Temple to maps such as Strand or Beach, so that the loot in the former will also appear on the latter map.

    Return Of Previous League Mechanics

    Although Settlers of Kalguur League is a new one, a few popular features from previous leagues have also returned. Take Recombinators in Sentinel League, which allow you to add some certainty to the production process. There’s also Reflection Mechanic in Kalandra League, which lets you split some loot in two via Reflecting Mist item.

    Best Maps For Farming

    After understanding the recent changes, you can look at the ones that can make it easier for you to maximize your income.

    Tropical Island

    If you ask the player community which map is the easiest to explore, most people will answer your Tropical Island. This map is mainly designed linearly, so you can easily find where you want to go.

    In this way, you can quickly clear the monsters on this map and collect loot. In addition, the density of monsters on Tropical Island is also very good. You can experience fast-paced farming here, which is very suitable for getting more POE Currency in the early stages of the league.

    Burial Chambers

    For Burial Chambers, what is more attractive to players is that it can drop Doctor divination cards for Headhunter. There will be several large rooms on this map, and the enemies inside are also very dense. Like Tropical Island, it is also very suitable for fast farming.


    As a linear layout, Strand has also become a favorite choice for many players. The map’s wide open spaces and some obvious monster locations make it an ideal choice for players who focus on efficient clearing.


    Unlike the previous ones, Glacier provides players with a semi-linear path that mixes open areas with narrow corridors, which are very friendly to some melee builds. Additionally, shooting the entire map is a very simple process, ensuring both smooth farming and the easy accumulation of loot.


    Atoll’s circular layout is very rare in Path of Exile 3.25, and its central island makes it easier for players to clear and navigate. Atoll’s monster density is also very high, which you can use to farm currency.


    The plateau in the center of Mesa is a very open area, which provides you with plenty of space to clear monsters. Similarly, the design of Mesa is also very simple, and the bosses in it are not difficult to defeat, which is perfect for farming.

    Underground Sea

    The biggest feature of Underground Sea is its winding tunnels, but don’t think it is very difficult to clear, because there are interconnected caves in each area for you to pass through. In addition, it can also provide you with a steady supply of loot and XP.


    In previous leagues, players have always wanted developers to design a multi-story staircase for Tower. Now it has been realized in the Settlers of Kalguur League, and now you can explore up the stairs one level at a time.

    Among all the loot in Tower, the most famous one is Nurse divination card, which can be used to exchange for Doctor card. If you want to get some valuable divination cards early in the league, you can come to Tower.

    Haunted Mansion

    If you have ever seen Haunted Mansion, you will find that it is a mansion in itself, with many interconnected rooms. The layout in Haunted Mansion is also very compact, and you can completely clear the monsters in Haunted Mansion without moving around too much.

    These are some maps that can be used for efficient farming in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. I hope you can have fun playing in the new league!

  • These 3 New Unique Rings Added In POE 3.25 Will Allow You To Revisit Warlock Skills!

    With the end of Affliction league, Wildwood Ascendancy mechanic also disappeared. However, GGG has been working on slowly integrating these Ascendancy mechanics into the core game. We can see this in POE 3.24. They added Apostate and Veruso’s Ambition in Necropolis, both of which provide full or partial access to certain Wildwood Ascendancy abilities.

    Now in the current POE 3.25, we have the new Warden Ascendancy, replacing Raider. In addition, Pacify, Affliction, and Penance Mark were three Warlock of the Mists exclusive skills in Path of Exile 3.23 Affliction league. In POE 3.25, they return as part of some new Unique Rings, which are now exclusive drops from Ritual content.

    Here we are going to focus on discussing the three new Unique Rings that grant us access to one of the three previous exclusive abilities of Warlock. The three new rings are: Hateful Accuser, Queller of Minds, and Selfish Shepherd.

    We will talk about the mechanics of these three new Rings in detail to help you understand how to use them and whether it is worth investing more POE Currency in them. Let’s jump right in!

    Unique Rings Base Types Explained

    These three Unique Rings are exclusive drops for Ritual mechanic. Before we discuss the details of each ring, I should first mention the base type. Because this is a new Ritual exclusive base type.

    For example, Nameless Ring can give you a 50% increase in Elemental Ailment duration and a 50% reduction in the effect of curses. This will usually be a double-edged sword unless you are doing some kind of Self-Chill build or similar.

    Keep in mind that the full duration of using Reflected Ailments will not be increased with Ailment Duration modifier on these rings. Because Reflected Ailments Duration is only affected by offensive stats, such as the increased Ailments Duration you inflict on enemies.

    However, modifiers that reduce the effects of your curses can also be very useful, especially when combined with flask modifiers or other same style modifiers to reduce the effects of curses on you by 100%.

    Queller Of Minds

    Let’s take a look at Queller of Minds first. This ring has some cast speed, maximum energy shield, and chaos resistance, but the reason you use these rings is that of the unique ability they provide, Pacify.

    To be honest, this one is the weirdest of the three. It might even be the weirdest ability GGG has added to the game. It's really shocking that this skill would appear again after the Affliction league ended.

    Pacify is a hex curse skill that initially does nothing, but if the curse duration has passed for at least 60%, the affected character will not deal damage. Then for the remaining 40% of the duration, Pacify prevents the target from dealing any damage.

    This ability can only prevent entities from dealing damage directly. It does not have any effect on things that exist in the area. As a result, you won’t necessarily be directly harmed by the entity. For example, in Sirus boss fight, Storm Clouds will chase you. The damage caused by these Storm Clouds is not considered being caused by Sirus himself, so Pacify Curse will not prevent them from dealing additional damage to you.

    More importantly, any effect that would kill the character directly without dealing any damage will still kill the character, such as Drowning Orbs in Eater of Worlds boss fight.

    Note that whether Pacify is cast now or not, the duration of Pacify Curse can be altered by Curse Duration modifier, which will have an effect on the period when Curse has no effect and the period of time when the target cannot deal damage. For example, extending the Curse duration will make the target not deal damage for a longer period. But you will also have to wait longer until you actually reach the point where the target cannot deal damage.

    And the effect cannot be altered, which means you can’t apply Temporal Chains or similar effects to the no-damage portion of the Curse to artificially extend its duration.

    Pacify wasn’t used much during Affliction league, and this ring isn’t even used at all in POE 3.25 at the moment. Or maybe it’s just a really weird ability, as I said before.

    But it’s possible that in the future someone realizes the perfect alignment of this curse and somehow avoids a boss from dealing with tremendous damage. But it’s a bit weird overall.

    Hateful Accuser

    Next up, we have Hateful Accuser, which definitely gets more use than the former.

    Hateful Accuser has a certain cast speed, life, and chaos resistance, and it allows the use of Penance Mark skill. This was also a favorite ability of many Warlock users during Affliction league, and for good reason.

    Penance Mark is a mark curse skill that targets a single enemy and behaves the same as any other mark skill, meaning it lasts indefinitely. It scales with the mark effect, and only one mark can be active at a time.

    Once the mark hits a target, Phantasms are spawned, up to three per second. They are essentially allies of that target, so by default, this gives you new targets to use.

    These Phantasms are considered Common Rare enemies and do not drop loot when killed, and they do not leave any bodies behind. They do grant both Flask Charges and Vaal Souls, though, which is why Affliction league favors Mark.

    The reason Hateful Accuser is being used a lot in POE 3.25 is because summoned Phantasms can be used to generate hit and kill effects. And since they also fire projectile spells, they can also be used to trigger hit effects and other similar stats, such as on blocking mechanics.

    One of its major use cases right now is creating mobs on Chieftain, which has a chance to trigger Hinekora, Death’s Fury. When you kill them, Explosion and any subsequent Ignites will deal a ton of damage, which is particularly useful for Righteous Fire builds that struggle with single target damage.

    But that’s not the only use that’s been getting a lot of attention. Because in POE 3.25, the newly added Retaliation skill gives Hateful Accuser another use case. These skills require specific conditions to be met, such as blocking before using them, and Phantasms formed by Penance Mark can help make these abilities more reliable. This way you can use them more often in boss scenarios.

    As mentioned before, Penance Mark scales with Mark effect, and each breakpoint of 33.3% Mark effect provides additional summoned Phantasms when hitting.

    Selfish Shepherd

    Finally, we have Selfish Shepherd. This ring has some cast speed, maximum energy shield, and chaos resistance, and it allows the use of Affliction abilities, which is not Curse or Mark.

    This is a skill that can only target your minions to have a permanent effect on them. This effect causes them to take physical damage over time, with the damage rate starting at 8% of your maximum life per second, increasing by 100% per second, and then your character regenerates life per second equal to 20% of this damage.

    This is an effect that is inflicted on your minions, totaling all minions that have the same effect on them. So when a minion reaches 20% of their maximum life, they explode, dealing 50% of their maximum life as physical damage to surrounding enemies, which provides a pretty decent amount of healing for your character.

    So this is actually a pretty powerful effect. And in terms of base damage, it’s much higher than minion instability, which causes a minion to explode after life drops to a low point ( 50% of life) dealing 33% of its maximum life as fire damage. So, essentially, you need to get your minions’ life down to a lower threshold to get a bigger payoff.

    But remember that this is physical damage, and it will be affected by any relevant Conversion modifiers that the minion has. For example, Absolution Minion will convert 50% of physical damage to lightning damage, or inherent Conversion modifiers that don’t necessarily exist as Skill Gems, such as Summon Raging Spirit, which has a 100% conversion of physical to fire damage.

    However, this skill offers a hands-on, proactive playstyle rather than the automated playstyle some might be hoping for.


    Overall, we expect to see some use of Hateful Accuser and Selfish Shepherd, especially Hateful Accuser’s Penance Mark, as its undeniable synergy with Hinekora, Death’s Fury will make it even more useful. Which Unique Ring would you be more interested in trying? Do you have a better way to maximize their potential? Good luck!

  • Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league launched some time ago has been praised by players as one of the best league mechanisms ever, because it introduced some cool features that many players like. In addition, an interesting city system has been added to this new league mechanism.

    In this city system, you can manage your own town called Kingsmarch, and you can send various workers to run the affairs of the entire town for you. However, this town is definitely not smooth sailing, and Bandit King Sasan will mess it up.

    But unfortunately, Bandit King Sasan is not like other NPCs that you need to fight in the game. There is no way to find him. If you want to build your Kingsmarch town into a prosperous town as soon as possible, you can follow some tips and strategies in this guide to help you find and defeat Sasan faster.

    Who Is Bandit King Sasan?

    Sasan is a new enemy NPC added to Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league. Although it will not attack your Kingsmarch settlement directly, it will hinder the progress of the town by kidnapping your workers or Map Runners. Occasionally, it will also kidnap your Atlas runners and ask for ransom.

    When this happens, you only have three options: pay the ransom, fight Sasan, or let your workers fend for themselves. The best option of the three is to fight Sasan, because at the end of your battle with it, one of the best unique swords in the game will drop.

    However, defeating it is not a simple matter. It has a very high health value, so you need to be prepared for a long battle. In addition, Sasan’s level is as high as 83, so your character level needs to be 83 or above, otherwise this battle will be more difficult.

    There are two main types of damage that Sasan can deal: Fire and Physical. Before the battle, remember to equip some armor or helmet that can protect against these two types of damage tightly on your body.

    The tricky part is that it has 50% resistance to some common damages you can use, such as Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Chaos. So when choosing your build and weapons, remember to avoid these types, or add some Elemental Damage to your original build to increase your damage to Sasan.

    It currently only has two abilities, Hail of Arrows and Circle of Flame, both of which are AOE attacks, and both can cause significant damage and DoTs. You need to use a little POE Currency before the battle to increase your flexibility so that you can avoid most AOE damage.

    Bandit King Sasan’s Location

    There is no way to find Sasan directly unless you interact with him passively. According to current player feedback, Sasan has a very low chance of appearing, and only appears after he kidnaps your workers.

    If he does hold your people for ransom, you may find him in Abandoned Port zone. You can also use the current league mechanic to increase the chance of spawning if you don’t want to wait all the time.

    How To Find Bandit King Sasan?

    The only way to spawn Bandit King Sasan is to lure him into kidnapping your Atlas Runners. You can increase the chance of this elaborate kidnapping situation by constantly sending your workers to draw or do other activities.

    But the rewards from this method are also very small, so you must let your workers do Atlas as much as possible and keep praying for it to appear quickly. As long as one of these workers is kidnapped by Sasan, you can have a “mandatory” interaction with Sasan.

    Currently, this is the only way to spawn this boss. I hope you can find more ways to make it appear in subsequent games.

    How To Unlock Kingsmarch Map Device?

    Before you can send Atlas runners, you need to unlock Kingsmarch or Kingsmarch Map Device first, which only requires you to raise Town Level to Rank 7. You can use these resources to help your upgrade: 5760 Gold, 225 Verisium Ore, 125 Pumpkin and 250 Orgourd.

    If you unlock Kingsmarch Map Device, you will find that you still cannot send Atlas Runners because you still need to increase Max Town Populations to 60 and Max Job Rank to 7. So you can start your lure plan.

    Other Options

    In addition to fighting Sasan, you can also pay his ransom or abandon your workers. Paying the ransom can be a bit more expensive, as Sasan will demand a lot of gold from you, but you won’t get any reward. If you choose to leave your workers to die, you’ll lose some potentially valuable workers and get nothing in return. You can decide based on your own POE Currency and Gold.

    If you decide to fight Sasan, it’s not clear whether you’ll win or lose. Despite the challenges just presented, you’ll win most of the time if you’re prepared. If you have an Atlas Portal open, you can fight him multiple times.

    What Are The Rewards For Defeating Bandit King Sasan?

    At the end of your fight with Bandit King Sasan, you’ll get some pretty cool rewards, like some runes and gold. But in some cases, it’s possible to trade those runes for one of the best two-handed unique weapons in POE 3.25, Living Blade. If you’re determined to find Living Blade, you can try to fight him multiple times.

    That’s all you need to know about Bandit King Sasan in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. Hopefully, you can quickly make your Kingsmarch settlement a very prosperous commercial town, and have fun exploring the game!

  • How To Unlock The Full Potential Of The New Svalinn Unique Shield In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    Svalinn is a new Unique Shield in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, and it will drop from Sasan, the Bandit Lord, as part of the new league mechanics. Svalinn has a very powerful modifier called “Chance to Block is Lucky”, which doubles your chance to block, allowing you to choose a favorable outcome.

    I think this is a very cool POE item that is very powerful if used correctly, and it can enable some tanky builds that are centered on blocking. In this guide, we’ll talk about what this Svalinn Unique Shield is good for, and how to unlock its full potential.

    Chance To Block Spell Damage

    Let’s take a look at the modifier on Svalinn: 13% Chance to Block Spell Damage. This is a modifier that could potentially roll between 10%-15%. Considering the rest of the shield, this is a good start.


    Next, let’s look at Ward. Ward is a defensive measure that blocks hit damage before Life or Energy Shield. I don’t mean you’ll get a lot of Ward from this shield, but you may hit the blocking cap while using this shield. And Ward has been buffed to refresh every 2 seconds instead of the old 4 seconds.

    This is actually a fair amount of damage reduction, since it doesn’t deduct from your Life or Energy Shield, but is absorbed by this shield. So not a completely useless modifier.

    Minus Max Chance To Block

    Now we come to the important set of mods on this Svalinn Shield: minus 10% of the maximum chance to block attack and spell damage. These mods combined will reduce the maximum base block chance of attacks and spells from 75% to 65%.

    Lucky Block Chance

    But the next modifier, “Chance to Block is Lucky”, makes up for this. Lucky is a property that is rolled twice, and you can choose the more favorable result. So with Chance to Block is Lucky, you will roll twice for Chance to Block incoming hits, which means your effective block chance is higher than your actual block chance.

    The benefit you get from a Lucky roll is largely dependent on the base properties of your roll. So you’re better off with maximum base block chance with Svalinn equipped (65%), which gives you an effective block chance of 88%, which is insane.

    The new Gladiator has a new Skill Ascendency Notable, which grants you Lucky Block Chance whenever you’ve recently blocked. This is a great mapping node, but it’s much less reliable for boss scenarios.

    Svalinn’s Lucky Block Chance is unconditional, though it’s always active. This is a very powerful start, and having it means investing in blocking is more rewarding.

    Triggering Blocks

    Svalinn also has one final modifier, which triggers a socketed elemental spell with a block time of 0.25 seconds. With such a high effective block chance, no matter what you put on this shield, you’ll be safe as you move through the map.

    How To Maximize Block Chance?

    In POE 3.25, investing in blocking has become more rewarding, as many of Block Wheels in the tree have received huge buffs.

    For example, Safeguard Wheel near Templar starting position now provides 10% Chance to Block Spell Damage, and it also increases maximum spell block by 3%. What’s more, it also restores 50 Energy Shield when blocking. This sounds like a small amount, but with such a large effective block chance, it will make up for the recovery of most hits in a mapping environment.

    There’s also a new Wheel here, located near Blood Magic Keystone, that’s similar to Safeguard. This doesn’t provide the 3% maximum block chance, but that’s for attack damage, and it also has a 12% block chance.

    Another new Block Mastery Wheel, Wall of Steel, gives extra attack block chance and some flat armor if you’ve recently blocked.

    There’s also a new Block Mastery that adds 1% chance to block spell damage for every 5% chance to block attack damage. So if you have 65% chance to block attacks, you’ll get 13% chance to block spell damage from spending that point.

    Besides these options, many other Block or Shield Wheels that provide block chance have been buffed. This means it’s easier to cap attack and spell block chance with a lower POE Currency investment than before.

    There’s also Tempest Shield, which provides a lot of spell blocking. If you’re playing a Scion or Necromancer, you might also want to consider Bone Offering.

    Glancing Blows

    Of course, there will still be Glancing Blows. But the real potential of this shield is having such a high effective true blocking ability that it can avoid the vast majority of incoming hits, especially considering that you can’t recover from blocking with the shield, so Glancing Blows with this setup aren’t too useful.

    How To Build A Map Clearing Build?

    When combined with something like Mjölner, this shield becomes a very interesting map clearing build. You’ll be able to easily use Mjölner and Svalinn’s triggered spells and Tempest Shield’s triggers to clear monster packs.

    When you need a nuke to knock down a stronger target, you can use the new Divine Retribution spell to deal a lot of damage. It can be used by blocking, and it can overlap to hit the same target multiple times.

    All in all, this new unique item is really fun. What do you think of it? Will you try to equip this Svalinn Unique Shield? Do you have a better way to make the most of all its mechanics? See you next time!

  • How To Use The Various Defensive Stats In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Stats Explained

    In Path of Exile, it is common knowledge that you can use the various defensive attributes in the game to help your character become stronger or more well-rounded. If you have found yourself dying frequently in previous leagues, you may not be using these defensive attributes correctly.

    However, it is important to remember that you should never rely on just one defensive ability in this game, as you may encounter specific enemies that can penetrate your defensive attribute. Currently, in Path of Exile 3.25, there are many ways to improve your ability to take a beating in the game.

    Some can help your build gain additional blocking, evasion or armor, some can help you build Endurance Charges or specific resistances, and some can even make you immune to certain types of damage from enemies. Stacking these various effects together is the most common layered defense in the game.

    In this guide, you will be shown how to make your character stronger in the current Settlers of Kalguur league, so get your POE Currency ready for this guide!

    How To Become More Endurance?

    Before you can make your Settlers of Kalguur League character stronger, you need to understand the four main defense categories in the game - Avoidance, Mitigation, Life Pool, and Recovery.

    When you combine these four defense attributes effectively, not only will you be able to survive different encounters well, but you will also be able to participate in many types of fights more safely. Otherwise, when you encounter a boss that can penetrate a certain defense, you may be in danger. Now, let’s learn about the details of these four defense attributes!

    Life Pool

    Of all the defense attributes, Life Pool is the most basic. Anything related to your raw ability to survive a blow falls into this category. Things like your maximum health in the game and Energy Shield are its principal components.

    If you are using a build that focuses on restoring health or spells to help you in combat, it is important to make sure you have enough total health to avoid dying from attacks. For example, when you are using a character with a lot of health recovery like Boneshatter Juggernaut, plus this defense attribute, you can quickly recover from any type of damage.

    However, it is important to note that having strong recovery abilities is useless if you don’t have enough health to take the initial hit.


    Avoidance is made up of Block, Evasion, or Chance to Avoid Damage. Any attribute, passive, or ability you encounter in the game that can completely negate the damage of an attack you take will fall into this category.

    As with many MMO games, how you take advantage of these attributes and which of them you use will depend largely on your build. For example, if you use a character that can engage in close-range melee, you will perform better on Block and Chance to Avoid Damage stats.

    But this build or character will have more trouble avoiding attacks, especially when some blue and white enemies swarm to attack you. So, when you encounter this situation, it is best to assume that you will definitely be attacked before building or adjusting the attributes, so that you will think about negating them when making choices.

    For some builds that are highly mobile or good at ranged attacks, you may want to consider enhancing their mobility or invulnerability skills. For example, when you use the toxic rain setup in Path of Exile 3.25, you can easily defeat many enemies with your primary ability.

    So when your build focuses on movement, you don’t have to invest skill points in blocking or dodging, which is a waste.


    Mitigation category in Path of Exile 3.25 includes anything that reduces the amount of damage you take. Armor, Physical Damage Reduction, or Elemental Resistances all fall into this category.

    The most important thing to understand about this attribute is that its primary purpose is to keep your health at a minimum of 1. So when calculating how much Mitigation you need, you need to know how much health you currently have. Just like doing math, you need to know the minuend first.

    From here, you can start calculating how much Mitigation you need to make it so that a large attack from an enemy can’t hit you in one hit. As long as your Mitigation can reduce the total damage of the attack to less than your Life Pool, you can rely on health regeneration to recover.

    For example. If you are facing an enemy that uses a fire-based melee attack to counter you, you can use this defensive attribute to help you reduce the damage. In addition, you can also minimize the damage caused by this attack by increasing your armor, physical damage reduction, and fire resistance at the same time.


    Recovery covers a few of Life Pool attributes, but the more important ones are Life Gain on Hit, Leech, and Regen Speed. Some Flasks or skills that provide direct healing also count.

    Recovery is largely a function of the interaction between Mitigation and Life Pool, ensuring that you can recover before you get hit again. If you have already used Mitigation to protect yourself from a fatal blow, then you cannot recover before you get hit again, and Recovery will be useless. So Recovery should be the last attribute you consider when increasing your stamina.

    Do you have a better understanding of these four defensive stats now? I believe you will definitely create a very perfect build in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur to make your character ready for any situation!

  • How To Perform This Alch And Go Farming Strategy In POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur?

    In this guide, we are going to share a no-investment farming strategy that involves "Alch and Go" that everyone has been talking about lately. It is the new meta in POE 3.25. The reason this strategy is so important is that it is the fastest way to hit Divine Altars. The sooner you know this strategy, the sooner you can accumulate more wealth!

    Why Is Alch And Go Strategy Good?

    After testing several T14+ maps with it, I can confirm that Alch and Go strategy does have a special set of benefits in POE 3.25.

    The fact that you can enter and exit quickly gives you more advantages than farming T17, which requires investing a lot of POE Currency and time, and also has a certain amount of risk. Therefore, Alch and Go is unique among a group of niche farming strategies.

    If you hate T17 maps, but you want to farm more of the same, such as Gold or Ores, then this strategy is definitely for you.

    I can say it’s also great for Eldritch Altar and Invitation farming. You can choose any specific objective you want, any objective that doesn’t require a specific set of Scarabs, or complete the mandatory requirement of clearing each map. You can target a certain objective and leave the map as soon as you’re done, which means you can run multiple maps in a short period of time.

    How Does It Work?

    You basically alch your map without Chisels and Scarabs. You just check for mods that can break your build and you’re good to go.

    In my case, we were targeting Gold or Ores, so adding some Rarity to the build and map will increase the gold drops. In our targeted runs, we made a ton of Gold or Ores just running about 30 to 50 T14+ maps per hour.

    If you’re trying this, your Mining Rank should be maxed out first. Because they give you the same amount of Gold as Ores in the final stages. And maps will sometimes have more than 1 Ore, usually close to each other. When you go in to find Ores, you can check if there are more Ores nearby.

    Occasionally you’ll still get some rare results like Great Eldritch Altars, Verisium Boss fights, and even some interesting drops, especially valuable Omens.

    If you run it in T16, there’s a chance that T17 will drop as well, provided you have at least 2 Voidstones and your Atlas is tuned for map drops as well.

    Although farming Boss can drop a lot of gold and some goodies, if it has several stages, like Harvest one in Bramble Valley Map, it’s best to skip it. It’s not worth your time.

    How To Scale To Get A Lot Of Gold?

    If you want to farm a lot of gold, just scale Rarity, add more monsters, and get some numbers in your map quantity mod. Eldritch Rarity/Quantity of Eldritch Altars will scale accordingly.

    On average, you can get 15k to 30k on a normal map, and up to 100k if you farm T17. Because T17 has explicit fixes for pack size, item rarity, currency drops, map drops, and even scarab drops.

    If you want to go a step further, you can add more monsters to your map, including Sacrifice Fragments, White Scarabs, and Shaper Scarabs. But if you use Shaper Scarabs, you can get this node in your Atlas Tree, Shaper Influenced Pack Size.

    It’s worth noting that the things that currently drop a lot of gold are map bosses, rare, and magic monsters, in that order. My guess here is that most common item drops have been converted to gold drops, so the global drop rate has been affected by Shadow nerf.

    I understand why they did this, because Settlers of Kalguur league are balanced around how you spend the gold you receive on the league mechanics. So if you like gold, get your Magic Find Builds ready.

    Why Is Gold So Important?

    So why bother farming gold in the first place? In fact, once you start reaching the higher end of the league mechanics, your rewards will get better, too.

    Everything in POE 3.25 is now centered on gold, especially Auction House. On top of that, ground loot is balanced around the current league mechanics, which means you have to be in on the action if you want to get the most out of it.

    Atlas Strategy

    Now, let’s take a look at Atlas strategy I’ve been working on.

    Before you try this strategy, I have to remind you that this is just my Atlas, targeting Scarabs, Gold, and valuable Omens. While Atlas is completely flexible, basically we’re just Alch and making sure we don’t run into any bad mods. This is very important since we’re taking so many of the buffing effect nodes from Atlas.

    To make things even more exciting, I went with Eldritch Gaze because it makes a vast difference in the loot. If your build sucks at Cold and Lightning Penalty, you can go with Searing Exarch Altars.

    The best thing about these Altars is Rarity and Quantity buffs they provide. Of course, if you get a lot of good stuff and find the map rewarding and satisfying, you can run the entire map.

    In summary, the best strategy for Alch And Go is to focus on anything that doesn’t require completing maps and scarabs. This includes ore mining, gold farming, T17 hunting, and most boss strategies. Give this strategy a try and hopefully it will become your cornucopia!

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    Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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    Name: Jeremiah Abshire

    Birthday: 1993-09-14

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    Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

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    Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.